Cyta Contact Point

Services Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions include important information about the services we are providing you with, the agreement and the charges.

1.   Common questions and important terms

What services am I getting?

We explain the details of the services including the charges, upon receiving your order; this can be done over the phone, by email, in person or by post.

How long does a service last and when does it start?

Each service will last for a minimum amount of time (the minimum term), which is set out and agreed when you place your order.

We are normally able to give you the service start date 2-3 working days after the placement of your order. We start charging you from the date the service goes live.

If you change your mind, you can cancel your order as set out in clause 5 of these terms and conditions.

You can end a live service early in some circumstances. We explain these in clause 10 of these terms and conditions.

What happens if I order more than one service from you?

If we provide you with more than one service or item of equipment (for example, if you have more than one phone line, Broadband, Mobile or Greek TV subscription) you might have a separate agreement for each one with a different minimum term, start and end date.

Some of our services depend on each other. If we or you end or suspend one service, we may need to end or suspend another. If that is the case, we will tell you.

How to contact us

Phone us on 0800 036 0078. We record all calls (including marketing ones) to help us with training and to prevent identity fraud.


Please, refer to Section 8 of our Code of Practice. It tells you how to complain. You can read it at


2.  What words mean

Some of the words and phrases in these terms and conditions have special meanings. Those words are explained below.  They are printed in bold wherever they have the special meaning given below.

agreement – the legally binding agreement between you and us for one or more services.

charges – the fees you pay for a service and any service feature, including the core charges, plus anything else you need to pay in line with the agreement.

cooling-off period – 14 days from the date your order is placed.

core charges – the fixed charges for your monthly line rental, broadband or your monthly TV subscription, according to your order.

loaned equipment – the equipment we loan to you as part of a service (such as your broadband router).

minimum term – any initial or later period you have agreed to pay for a service, according to your order.

non-return equipment charge – the charge applied to your account if you fail to return the loaned equipment at the end of the agreement. 

order – an order can be placed over the phone (calls are recorded), by email, online or in person.

service – a phone line, broadband, call package, mobile and TV services that we are providing you with under the agreement and as shown on your bill.

service start date – or activation date is the date a service is goes live.

working days – Monday to Friday, except bank holidays and public holidays.


3.  What are these terms and conditions for?

a)  These are the terms and conditions which apply when we provide you with a service and any related installation services (see clause 7).

b) If we provide you with more than one service, you might have a separate agreement for each service.


4.  How long a service lasts

a)  Each service will last for at least the minimum term and will carry on after then unless you end a service in a way set out in clause 10 or we end a service in line with clause 11.

We might also agree a new minimum term during or after your initial minimum term (for example, if you take up one of our offers at the time). We will always tell you beforehand if there needs to be a new minimum term.

b) If you want to end a service before its minimum term has ended, or if we end it in line with clause 11, you may have to pay us a termination fee. Take a look at clause 5 and clause 12 for details.

c) If you end a service and fail to return the loaned equipment within 60 days, you will be charged.


5.  You can change your mind

a.  You can change your mind and cancel an order or a service,

i. Phone line: within the 14 days cooling-off period or at least two working days before the service start date, whichever is the earliest.

ii. Broadband: within the 14 days cooling-off period or at least two working days before the service start date, whichever is the earliest.

iii.     SIM only mobile: within the 14 days cooling-off period or at least two working days before the service start date, whichever is the earliest.

iv. Greek TV subscription: within the 14 days cooling-off period.

v. Call Package:  within the 14 days cooling-off period.

b.  If the service has already gone live, you will have to pay us the full cost of the service for the remaining of the minimum term of the agreement.

c.  If you cancel a service within the minimum term and we have provided you with loaned equipment for that service, the agreement will not end until you have returned the loaned equipment. The following will also apply:

i. You must return the loaned equipment to us within 14 days of cancelling a service.

ii. If you do not return the loaned equipment within 14 days, you will have to pay the full cost of the loaned equipment.

iii. Once we get the loaned equipment back (or see evidence that it has been returned), we reserve the right to charge you if we think the loaned equipment have been misused or damaged.


6.  How you can use the service

a. Each service is just for you and your household or your business and your employees.  You are responsible for how each service and the loaned equipment are used.

b.  You agree that you will do the following in connection with each service:

i. Follow any reasonable instructions we give you and help us run any checks required.

ii. Get any permission needed to provide a service in your premises or to install anything for you.

iii.  Tell us if you change your name, address, email address, mobile number, payment details or anything else we might need to know about.

iv. Do everything you can to keep your CytelUK username and password private and stop anyone else from using them. You should also keep your bill and account details safe from fraudsters.

v. Use each service lawfully. That means you must not use it in a way that breaks any law, regulation or rule in force in England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland (as appropriate).

c.  Some of the services may have monthly usage limits. If you go over any of these, we will charge you for the extra usage.

d.  If we reasonably believe you have misused a service, or have let anyone else misuse it, you might have to pay us for any loss or damage we suffer as a result.

7.  Setting up the service

a.  If you need any phone line, broadband service or loaned equipment installed, we will agree a date for this with you. You must let us into your premises if necessary.   

b.  We might ask you to install some loaned equipment yourself. If we do, we will send you instructions to help.

c.  If you need to change or cancel an appointment, you must tell us at least two working days beforehand.

d.  We might charge you for installing loaned equipment or activating your phone line or broadband. If we do, we will tell you upon your placing your order. You might also have to pay a fee to re-activate an existing phone line. We will tell you about this when you order. We will also charge you the installation charge if you prevent the installation from being completed.

e.  We can only enter your premises if someone over 18, who can make decisions about where and how we install the services or the loaned equipment, is present.

f.  On the day we install the loaned equipment, we might need to disconnect your phone line for a while. If possible, please have a backup for making calls to emergency services.

g.  If we need to change the installation date, we will try to contact you at least two working days beforehand.

h.  The engineer will not be responsible for connecting any equipment that we have not provided (like a games console).


8.  What we have to do for you

a.  We provide each service, the loaned equipment and installation work to the UK address you give us. We may take instructions from a person who we have good reason to believe is acting with your permission.

b.  We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service using reasonable care and skill. However, due to the nature of each service and the loaned equipment we use to provide it, we cannot guarantee that it will be available all the time.

c.  Occasionally we might have to interrupt, change or temporarily suspend some or all a service. That could be to maintain, upgrade or repair the network. If we do, we will try to get the network up and running again as quickly as possible.


9.  Paying what you owe us

a.  You must pay the charges for each service, whether you use them or someone else does.

b.  We will normally bill you monthly or annually in advance, according to your order. If we need to charge you for anything extra (for example, for going over any usage limit), we may add those charges to a later bill.

c.  You will get your monthly or annual bills by email free of charge. If you want paper bills, we will send them to you at a monthly charge of £2.00 incl. VAT. You can access your account online. You can contact us to get your log in details.

d.  You must pay your bill in 14 days after the bill date, by Direct Debit, BACS or card payment over the phone.

e.  If you genuinely think we have made a mistake on your bill, tell us straight away. We will not suspend or end a service while we look into the matter.

f.  If you do not pay your bill on time, we will try to contact you by phone, text or email. If you still have not paid 10 days after the date of our reminder, we reserve the right to add a late-payment charge to your next bill. You may also have to pay a failed-payment charge if a direct debit or cheque bounces because you do not have enough money in your account.

g.  If you do not pay a bill, we will not normally suspend or end a service until 30 days after the date your payment was due. However, if this is not the first time that you have not paid a bill on time, we may suspend or end a service earlier.

h.  If you do not pay your bill, we may give your details, including your personal information, to a debt-collection agency and ask them to collect the money for us.  If we do, you will have to pay an extra charge to compensate us. The debt-collection agency will add the charge to your debt. VAT will not be added to any extra charge we add to your bill.

We might also transfer your debt to any other business (in which case your personal information will also be transferred) who may then try to recover the amount in a way it considers suitable.

This clause continues to apply after the agreement with us has ended.


10 .  Ending the service and this agreement

a.  If you change your mind about a service, you can cancel your order as explained in clause 5a. You do not need to give a reason and you will not have to pay a fee for cancelling your order (unless you fail to return any loaned equipment already sent).

b.  Other than in respect of any increase to the core charges or the charges as a result of our annual price increase as described in clause 18b you can cancel the agreement at any time, by giving us 30 days’ notice, if we have increased the core charges, or if we have changed the charges (other than a core charge), a service or these terms and conditions in a way that significantly disadvantages you. In this case you will not have to pay a fee for leaving early.

c.  You can cancel the agreement at any time by giving us:

    • 14 days’ notice, if you are switching to another provider through an approved switching process, or
    • 30 days’ notice, if you are cancelling the agreement for any other reason.

If you are within the minimum term, you will have to pay a termination fee for cancelling early.

d.  You can cancel at any time if we break a significant term of the agreement. In this case you will not have to pay a termination fee for leaving early.

e.  If you have regular or repeated, continuous or irregular faults with the service, or we agree that the standard of service you get is consistently below what you reasonably expect, we may, after an individual assessment, let you end the agreement without paying a charge for leaving early. Please get in touch if you would like to talk about this.

f.  Broadband: If you are regularly getting download speeds that are much lower than we estimated when you place your order, and the service was activated no more than 30 days ago, tell us and we will try to improve the speeds. If you have followed our instructions to fix the problem, but your download speeds still regularly fall short of the ’minimum guaranteed line access speeds’, you can end the agreement without paying a termination fee for cancelling early. This will not apply if you are renewing a contract for the service when you already know that speeds are lower than expected.

g.  If you fail to return the loaned equipment within 60 days as outlined in clause 4c we will charge you. This charge will be reflective of the condition of the loaned equipment, and it is having been kept in good condition and used in accordance with the agreement. The non-return equipment charge may be added to your bill. Payment of the non-return equipment charge does not transfer ownership to you, the loaned equipment belongs to us at all times.

11.  When we may restrict, suspend or end a service

a.  We may stop providing a service at any time by giving you at least 30 days’ written notice.

b.  If you break the agreement, we will normally let you try to put things right within a reasonable time. But we may limit, suspend (in part or fully) or end a service immediately if any of the following apply.

i.  We have to end the agreement by law or in line with any regulation.

ii.  We cannot provide a service(or part of it) anymore, or we have suspended or restricted a related service.

iii.  You break the agreement and do not put things right in a reasonable time.

iv.  You seriously misuse a service or break the agreement in a way that cannot be put right.

v.  You or anyone else using a service act towards our staff or agents in a way which is unsuitable or serious enough to justify suspending or ending a service.

vi.  You do not pay for a service(as described at the end of clause 9g) or you pay in a way other than how we have agreed with you.

vii.  You cancel your direct debit and we have not agreed another way you can pay.

viii.  We suspect fraud or any other unauthorised activity.

ix.  Your usage is significantly different to what we would expect from the average customer.

x.  You significantly break any other agreement you have with us and do not put things right within a reasonable time.

c.  If we suspect there has been, or is likely to be, a security incident, we may suspend your CYTELUK ID username. We will change your password before letting you log back in.

d.  If we suspend or end a service, we will tell you what you need to do to restore it.

e.  If you are within the minimum term when we tell you we will end a service for any reason listed in clause 11b, you will have to pay a fee for leaving early in line with clause 12.

f.  If we suspend or end a service for any reason listed in clause 11b(iii):

    • we may charge a fee for starting a service again, and 
    • you will have to pay the charges for a service while it is suspended, up until it ends.

g.  If you break the agreement and we do not take action, we can still take action at a later date.

h.  If you or we end a service, we will refund any amount you have paid upfront. But first we will take off anything you owe us in connection with that service or any other agreement between you and us.

12.  Charges for ending the agreement early

a.  You will have to pay us a termination fee for ending the agreement early if:

    • you end a service during the minimum term, except in the circumstances listed in clause 12c below, or
    • we end a service during the minimum term, in line with clauses 11b(iii) to 11b(x).

b.  loaned equipment: If you end a service during the minimum term, we may charge you the full price of the loaned equipment (except in the circumstances listed in clause 12c). For example, this may happen if we have given you a broadband router and you do not return it.

c.  You will not have to pay the fees and charges referred to in clause 12a if:

    • you end a service as shown in clause 10a.
    • you end a service under clause 14c as a result of changes that significantly disadvantage you.
    • you end a service under clause 10d as a result of us breaking a significant term of the agreement.
    • you end a service under clause 10f as a result of faults with that service.
    • you end the Broadband service under clause 10g as a result of consistently low broadband speeds.
    • you end a service under clause 19 as a result of us moving you to another service, or
    • you change premises and we cannot provide a service at your new UK address.

d.  The termination fee you would have to pay in respect of clause 12a is calculated as being equivalent to the total amount of charges you would have paid if you stayed with us for the whole minimum term minus any costs we save from you leaving early.

e.  The fees you will pay in respect of clause 12b is the non-return charge for the loaned equipment you have received.


13.  Returning faulty equipment

a.  If you think any of the loaned equipment is faulty, please tell us.

b.  You must return any loaned equipment that you tell us is faulty, or which we tell you is faulty or needs to be fixed or replaced (for example, if the loaned equipment is out of date or needs an upgrade).

c.  We may test any loaned equipment you tell us is faulty. If we find it is not faulty, we may return it to you or replace it.

d.  If you have not returned any loaned equipment within 30 days of us giving you a replacement, we may:

i.  interrupt or restrict access to any service you take from us until the loaned equipment is returned, or

ii.  recover our costs for that loaned equipment.

Any replacement loaned equipment we send will be new or ‘as new’ (which is second-hand equipment we have refurbished).

14.  Changes we may make on a service, service features, equipment, charges and terms and conditions of the agreement

a.  We may change a service, service features, loaned equipment, charges and the terms and conditions of the agreement at any time for the reasons listed in clauses 15 to 18a.

b.  Subject to paragraph 14d below if we increase the core charges, or if we have changed the charges (other than a core charge),a service or these terms and conditions in a way that significantly disadvantages you, we will do the following.

i.  We will tell you at least 30 days before the change, unless we cannot reasonably do so (for example, if the change is for legal or regulatory reasons, in which case we will give you as much notice as possible).

ii.  We will give you the opportunity to give us 30 days’ notice to end that service without having to pay any extra charges or a fee for leaving early. But you will have to tell us that you want to do this within 30 days of the date of the notice that we send you.

c.  We will either write to you about any other changes or advertise the change another way, such as on our website.

d.  Any change to the core charges or the charges as a result of a price increase (as described in clause 18b) will not give you a right to end the service without having to pay any increased charges or a fee for ending the service early.

15.  Changes to a service, service features, loaned equipment and terms and conditions of the agreement

We may change a service, service features, loaned equipment and terms and conditions of the agreement to do the following.

i.  Make the agreement clearer or easier for you to understand or change it in another way that does not significantly disadvantage you.

ii.  Change, improve, update or add to a service, service features or loaned equipment you get (for example, if we increase the maximum upload speed for your broadband, or add new types of calls to your calling plan).

iii.   Change the way we structure our prices, charges, a service, service features or loaned equipment (for example, if we change the names of our products or services, their content or their descriptions).

iv.  Add new service features (for example if we introduce a new security feature to your Broadband service).

v.  Add to or change the way we provide a service, service features or loaned equipment(for example, if we introduce new ways for you to receive Broadband.)

vi.  Reflect changes to or developments in technology (for example, we may develop the way we provide a service, or introduce new ways to pay for a service, or develop and introduce new systems which give you a better service).

vii.    Withdraw, replace or remove all or part of a service, a service feature or loaned equipment.

viii.    Reorganise the way we manage or run our business.

ix.  Reflect any change to a law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us.

16.  Other changes to a service, service features, loaned equipment or terms and conditions of the agreement

Because we might provide a service to you for a long time (not just for the minimum term), and we cannot always predict the future, we may need to make changes for a reason not listed in clause 15. If we do, we will give you notice, and you may be able to end a service in line with clause 14b.

17.  Changes to the charges

We may change the charges if:

    • we change a service, service features, loaned equipment.
    • the cost of providing a service or service features increases (for example, the businesses we buy from increase their prices).
    • there is a change in a law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us (for example, if there is a VAT increase).


18.  Other changes to the charges

a.  We might need to make changes to the charges for reasons other than those listed in clause 17. If we do, we will give you notice and you might be able to stop a service in line with clause 14b.

b.  We may increase the amount you pay for your service by a percentage according to the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation.

c.  Where you purchase more than one service from us and each is subject to an annual price rise, the amount of the price rise is calculated on each service separately.

19.  Moving between services

If we withdraw a service so you cannot carry on receiving all or part of it, (for example, if we change the number of service options available), we will move you onto our next best, or better, service. If we can, we will tell you at least 30 days’ before we do this. If we cannot, we will give you as much notice as possible. If the service we move you to has a higher charge, we will either let you end it without paying the charges described in clause 12 or we will not charge you the higher charge for the rest of the minimum term.

After the minimum term, we will charge you the full price of the new service.

You can choose to upgrade or change a service. We will apply a new minimum term, or we may charge you an activation charge. Or we might let you carry over any minimum term you have got left on the agreement. We will tell you at the time if that is the case.

20.  Equipment and software

We will tell you when you should get the loaned equipment. You may be able to get other equipment from us at an extra cost. If there are any charges for equipment, we will tell you when you order.

a.  The loaned equipment belongs to us at all times. You must look after it and not dispose, damage, destroy or otherwise interfere with it unless we ask you to (for example, if we are helping you fix a problem). If the loaned equipment is damaged other than through fair wear and tear, you will have to pay to fix or replace it.

b.  A non-return equipment charge is applied when you fail to return the loaned equipment If the loaned equipment is returned within two years of the non-return equipment charge being levied, we will credit your account (or provide a refund at our absolute discretion) an amount corresponding to the condition of the loaned equipment allowing for reasonable wear and tear.

We can only be responsible for equipment we give you. If you choose to use any other equipment (like a router made or supplied by anyone else), you must make sure it is compatible with that service.

You must not connect equipment to our network that may harm it, or harm anyone else’s equipment or services. If you do, you must disconnect it straight away, or pay us to do it.


What happens when you change premises

If you change premises, let us know at least 14 days beforehand. You can ask us to set up the service at your new address in the UK. We will carry on providing that service at your new address unless it is not possible to do so.

Phone & Broadband services: If you change premises and want us to provide the phone & broadband services at your new address, you may have to enter into a new contract for the phone & broadband service with a minimum term. We will tell you about this at the time. If you have already paid for 12 months’ line rental at your old address, you can carry it over to your new address.

If you have not reached the end of the minimum term for your existing services when you move, there will be no termination fees, unless you do not want us to provide with phone and broadband services at your new address.

22.  How to get in touch with us and how we will contact you

We will send you any notices by email, text or by post to the address we have for you. We will assume you get letters in the post two working days after we have sent them. It is your responsibility to read the notices that we send you.

You can phone us on 0800 036 0078. You can also email us to [email protected]

23.  Sorting out complaints

a.  From time to time, you may need to contact us to sort out a problem. Our Code of Practice / Section 8 tells you how to do that and how we will deal with any complaint or dispute. You can read the code at or you can ask us to send you a copy.

b.  We will try our best to settle any complaint or dispute you have. If we cannot, you can refer the matter to a dispute-resolution service to get an independent opinion. You can find more details in our Code of Practice / Section 8.

c.  If we cannot agree a solution with you, the dispute should be settled by an independent adjudicator, referred as ‘independent alternative dispute resolution’ as described in our Code of Practice / Section 8.

24.  Transferring the agreement

The agreement is only between you and us. You cannot transfer it to anyone else or try to do so. We can transfer the agreement, and our rights and obligations under it, to anyone else (including if we reorganise the way we work), as long as it does not have a negative effect on your rights.

25.  Other things we need to tell you

a.  We and our suppliers still own any intellectual property rights associated with a service and the loaned equipment, so you will not own any rights in them by using a service.

b.  Only you and we can take action under the agreement. Nobody else can enforce it or benefit from it (except in line with clause 24).

c.  If any part of the agreement cannot be enforced, all other parts of the agreement will still apply.

d.  We record all calls (including marketing calls) to help us with training and to prevent identity fraud.

e.  The agreement is made under English and Welsh law. Any disputes you and we cannot settle can only be decided in English and Welsh courts, unless:

    • you live in Scotland, in which case Scottish law applies and the courts of Scotland will settle disputes, or
    • you live in Northern Ireland, in which case the laws of Northern Ireland apply, and the courts of Northern Ireland will settle disputes.